To know more about Palm leaf painting (etching) a traditional form of art from Orissa
Research questions
Q1. What is the reason for the diminishing popularity of this art form?
Interview questions
1. Since when has this art been practiced?
2. Who are the main customers?
3. Where all is this art used?
4. Why is it not a very popular art among the masses?
5. Do you also make as per the requirement of the customer?
6. How long does it take to complete one scroll of about 12 leaves?
7. What is the kind of experience required to work at a professional level?
Q2. What technique is used in this art?
Interview questions
1. How the palm leaf is made resistible for etching?
2. Which tool is used for etching
3. How do you preserve the art work?
4. Are there any special colours that are used to paint?
5. Are any special brushes used?
6. How long does it take to make the palm leaf ready to use?
7. What are the different levels of processing the palm leaf?
Q3. To know more how palm leaf is used to prepare horoscopes & who writes them?
Interview questions
1. From where do you get the information on the horoscope?
2. Who writes these horoscopes?
3. Since when have you been practicing this?
4. What is the kind of information required to make this?
5. How much time does it take to make one horoscope?
6. Do you customize it?
7. Is it etched or painted?
8. If painted then what is the importance of colour used?
9. From where do you get the orders for this?
10. Does it hold any special importance on palm leaf?
Q4. To understand the importance of colour and forms used in this art form?
Interview questions
1. Since when has colour been used?
2. Are you open to changes in the forms used?
3. Does any colour signify any importance?
4. From where are the forms influenced?
5. What colour medium do you use?
6. Are these natural colours or synthetic?
7. Are there any limitations with these forms?
8. Have there been any changes in the way these forms are used?
Interview the artisans of this art
Interview general public to see the awareness
People and their stories
SWOT analysis
Focus group discussion
Data collection method
Primary data
Interviewing the artists & their family
Interviewing the public
Secondary data
Literature review (palm leaf etching of Orissa by Durg Prasad Patnaik, Palm leaf miniatures: the art of Raghunath Prusli of Orissa, Shri Jagat Guru Mooree)
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